New Year New Ideas


2020 has been a year of transformation and with transformation, great ideas are created. Our daily lives were disrupted and had all of us finding new and creative ways of doing ordinary tasks. Change can inspire new ideas. 2021 is an exciting year, with opportunities to bring new ideas to the marketplace. When you have a new idea, it can get confusing regarding protecting your intellectual property. The chart below is a quick outline of the different categories of intellectual property. 

The Innovation Centre has experts, workshops and a prototype lab to help get your idea to the market. 


                                       Patents                        Copyright                   Trademark                  Trade Secrets            Industrial Design       


Any new and useful inventions 

Original artistic, musical, literary or dramatic work 


Benefits to differentiate your creation or services from other products 

A secret device or technique used by a company in manufacturing its products 

Graphic features of a product 


Improvements or new uses for a product 

Photographs, paintings, sound recordings, books, website content, computer programs and software 

Words, sounds, scents, texture, colours, shapes or a mixture of these characteristics 

Recipes, techniques, formulas, device or manufacturing process 

Formation, patterns, shapes, structure or a mixture of these characteristics 


Legal right to stop others from producing, selling or using your invention 

Stops others from using your original work without your consent 

Eliminates others from using your trademark 

Need legal contracts to protect, no formal rights 

Eliminates others from producing, selling, importing and using 


Canada (options for North America and International)  






20 years from date of filing 

For the life duration of the creator 

10 years from registration 

Not limited in time a long as the secret is not revealed 

15 years from registration 

Additional thoughts 

Hire a patent lawyer for filing. Owners responsibility to monitor infringement 

Protected when work is created. Registration helps with any lawsuit  

Protected only locally if not registered. TM is used if not registered and ® used if registered 

Responsibility of enforcing a trade secret is on the owner 

Responsibility of enforcing of the industrial design is on the owner 



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