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Select your top 5 skills from these categories

Now rank your skills and pick one to display as your specialty

  • Five Star:

    Has held roles at the highest organizational level; makes decisions critical to organizational success; a deep understanding of the industry and emerging technologies

  • Four Star:

    Establishes milestones and assigns tasks; familiar with recognized industry bodies of knowledge both generic and specific; leads collaboration throughout all stages of work

  • Three Star:

    Establishes personal milestones and objectives; strong understanding of generic industry knowledge; investigates, defines, and resolves complex issues

  • Two Star:

    Works under regular direction; working level contact with customers; limited discretion in resolving issues

  • One star:

    Works under supervision; developing new skills; required assistance in resolving unexpected problems

  • Specialty:

    You can highlight one of your skills as your specialty to help you get noticed by searchers.

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