Innovating in the New Year

By Jeff Coull


There’s nothing like a fresh start to the year. All of the days before were spent doing things the way we always do, so now it’s time for something new!

Start simple.

Start simple and build from there. Don’t get so caught up in the details that you lose sight of your overall goals.

Don't be afraid to fail, or ask for help along the way. If something doesn't work as planned, scrap it and move on—you never know when an idea will turn sour until you try it out!

And remember that nothing is written in stone; if a project starts going awry, adapt accordingly and see where things go from there.

Get in the right mindset.

The first step to innovating is to set a clear goal. If you don't know where you're going, how can you get there?

Have a clear definition of your target audience and make sure that before starting any project or initiative, you understand the problem as well as it can be understood. Don't jump into solving something without understanding what the real issue is.

Understand the scope of what you are trying to achieve and how far-reaching its impact will be on others and their businesses/organizations.

It's important that we understand what success looks like when it comes time for metrics at the end of our projects so we can all work together in order achieve those results!

Change your perspective.

For example, when you look at a problem, consider how it might be solved with a new design or technology. Or look at the same problem from a different angle: What if it were an entirely different challenge? How would solving it help others? Asking these questions can help you come up with ideas that seem obvious in retrospect but haven't been tried before.

Set achievable goals.

  • Set goals that are too easy and you'll be bored.
  • Set goals that are unrealistic and you'll never feel like you've accomplished anything.
  • Set vague goals and your progress will be hard to measure.
  • Set specific goals and they might seem overwhelming in the beginning, but once your first small steps have been made, it'll feel much easier to continue on towards completion.

I hope this article has been helpful for you as you look to innovate in the new year. It can be a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that innovation doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with something small and manageable and then build from there!


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