Exposing Youth to Entrepreneurship

Are you an entrepreneur with young children?  Looking back do you think you would have benefited from being exposed to entrepreneurship at a younger age? If you were exposed to it, think about how much it has shaped your life. There is a lot of value in being involved in entrepreneurial activities during your youth so you'd be doing your children a favor to bring them in. Here are two potential benefits they gain from learning about your business.


  1. Better Understanding of Money

Teaching your children about the costs associated with running a business will help them better understand the concept of money and that is doesn’t grow on trees. One way to teach this in everyday life is to give them incentives to save. When they ask for a new toy, teach them to save their money or allowance to work towards buying it. This can help teach them financial literacy and allow them to become financially responsible adults.


  1. Improved People Skills

When interacting with adults, some kids are outgoing and talkative, but some kids are shy. For a child to work in a small business, it exposes them to new conversations which can improve their people skills. It can also help them down the road if they wanted to go to sales etc.


By exposing your child to entrepreneurship at an early age there are many life skills that will be long lasting through their careers and life.

  • 7/5/2022 10:30:11 AM
  • Bridget Postuma
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