AI is Changing How We Work

by Jeff Coull with assistance through

Feb. 1st, 2023


Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has been around in some form or another for a long time. But now it's becoming more widely used and accepted by society. Let's look at how AI is changing how we work. Like many things in life, the actual application of it will be different from what we expect.

Let's look at how AI is changing how we work.

AI has the potential to change the world. It can help us find a better job, it can make our lives easier and more comfortable, and it can make us smarter!

AI is used in many different industries. Some of these include healthcare, finance, and education. Let's take a look at some examples of how AI is being used in these sectors:

  • Healthcare: one example is an AI system that automatically identifies bacterial infections from blood samples taken by doctors—an extremely useful tool for hospitals which may not have specialists on hand at all times.
  • Finance: an example is a startup called Mylo that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze financial data collected from millions of people around the world (using their phone app) so they can give personalized advice on investments based on each individual's unique profile. This type of technology allows investors with smaller sums of capital access to sophisticated investment strategies previously only available to large corporations or institutional investors with much deeper pockets than most retail traders could ever afford .
  • Education: AI has many applications but one very exciting one involves using virtual reality headsets combined with motion tracking sensors with haptic feedback attached directly onto someone's body. This allows teachers who teach physical subjects like dance classes or sports lessons without having anyone physically present besides themselves!

Like many things in life, the actual application of it will be different from what we expect.

The topic of writing and AI is actually so broad that there are many different applications for it. Some people use AI to write a book, while others use it as a tool to help them with their job role or career. Some even use an AI-powered personal assistant that writes emails, while others use it as a way to expand their knowledge in the field of writing itself.

What’s important is that you realize that using AI doesn’t necessarily mean losing control over your work, but rather gives you more time and freedom in doing things like improving your team's productivity or developing new products and services for your customers.

This blog was written using and took 4 minutes to write. It’s not perfect, but AI is just another tool to improve efficiency, like the calculator or Excel, used to free up time for other activities. In this specific example, a human should still review the content the AI generated – I didn’t because I want the reader to make that comparison themselves – to make sure it’s accurate and the right tone and flow.

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